16x1 season x episode Pokémon Pokémon ( 16 x 1 ) Beauties Battling for Pride and Prestige! Oct. 11, 2012
15x45 season x episode Pokémon Pokémon ( 15 x 45 ) Goodbye, Junior Cup - Hello Adventure! Sep. 06, 2012
15x44 season x episode Pokémon Pokémon ( 15 x 44 ) Ash, Iris, and Trip: Then There Were Three!! Aug. 30, 2012
15x38 season x episode Pokémon Pokémon ( 15 x 38 ) Piplup, Pansage, and a Meeting of the Times! Jun. 28, 2012
15x30 season x episode Pokémon Pokémon ( 15 x 30 ) Guarding the Guardian of the Mountain! May. 10, 2012
15x28 season x episode Pokémon Pokémon ( 15 x 28 ) A Restoration Confrontation! (Part 2) Apr. 26, 2012
15x27 season x episode Pokémon Pokémon ( 15 x 27 ) A Restoration Confrontation! (Part 1) Apr. 19, 2012